DAS WILLIAMS - Fighting for our future
The following is from "Das Gets the Last Word on PXP," at the Santa Barbara View:“The disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has strengthened my resolve to bring an end to oil drilling and move towards a fossil free energy future that relies on clean renewable energy.
“In order to end our dependence on oil we need a comprehensive strategy that stops oil drilling and promotes clean renewable energy. At the City Council, my colleagues and I have strongly opposed new and existing oil drilling as well as created tough renewable energy and energy efficiency standards that have created jobs, reduced our dependence on fossil fuels and helped protect the environment.
“The proposed Tranquilion Ridge agreement would have brought an end to oil drilling on four platforms in fourteen years. Without it, oil drilling will now continue for at least another two generations. For four decades we have been unsuccessful in our efforts to stop existing drilling. In fact, the platform that caused the 1969 oil spill still operates to this very day. If we are going to end drilling we need to continue to do everything in our power to end our dependence on oil.”
-- Das Williams, Santa Barbara Council Member
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